The Truth About Shakespeare

For centuries we have all been told and taught that the author of the Shakespearean works was William Shakespeare from the English villiage of Stratford.

Substantial evidence has come to light which proves, beyond a reasonable doubt, that the Stratford man was not the author. This website is dedicated to telling you the truth about who the real author was. But first, let us establish who the author was not.

Is Shakespeare Dead?
Exposing the Shakespeare Conspiracy

Published on Apr 11, 2015
Interview & discussion about why it's important to know who the real author of the Shakespearean works was.

Why Edward De Vere Was Not Shakespeare

Edward De Vere (17th Earl of Oxford) was not Shakespeare for the following reasons:

  • There is no hard, tangible evidence to support De Vere's “candidacy” as the author of the Shakespearean works (i.e. the Shakespearean plays, poems, and sonnets). Read more...>>
  • The Timeline. The most critical factor that absolutely eliminates De Vere as the author of the Shakespearean works is the time line. Read more...>>

Read the revealing article at:

Shakespeare Authorship: Bacon vs DeVere!

Breaking the Masonic Code

The Shakespearean works consist of a vast infrastructure of encryption—all of which rely on the precision and beauty of Numbers. The hard evidence (as we shall see) overwhelmingly shows that Francis Bacon artfully wove coded numbers into the Shakespearean tapestry not just as an amusement, but rather as a vehicle intended to serve as a paradigm of enlightenment designed to move the reader to much higher levels of understanding!

Read the fascinating article at:

Breaking the Masonic Code of SHAKE-SPEARES SONNETS

Why The Stratford Man Was Not Shakespeare

Read along with Michael York

Michael York

Now you can listen to actor Michael York read the Declaration of Reasonable Doubt as you read along on

Read the declaration with audio now...>>

Since the Stratford man and Edward De Vere were not Shakespeare,

Who Was Shakespeare... Really?

The Truth About Shakespeare has been known for a long time. There now exists a substantial and coherent body of hard, tangible evidence that proves, beyond a reasonable doubt, that Francis Bacon was the mastermind behind the creation of the Shakespearean works!

Read: Who Was Shakespeare by Richard Allan Wagner.

Sir Francis Bacon IS Shakespeare

To understand the facts of the matter, and examine the mountain of concrete evidence upon which the Baconian doctrine firmly rests, read Part Three (Bacon's Smoking Guns: The Hard Evidence) of Richard Wagner's new and revealing book The LOST SECRET of William Shakespeare

The LOST SECRET of William Shakespeare

"The writing of this book started in 1999 when I was beginning my research on the late heiress Sarah Winchester. At that time I had no idea where the research would lead. I had no preconceived notions about Mrs. Winchester nor did I have the slightest idea that she would lead me on an extraordinary journey of discovery that has transformed my life."

"Originally, this was going to be a book about Mrs. Winchester and the remarkable mansion she had built in what is now San Jose, California—now known as 'The Winchester Mystery House,' California Landmark number 868. As my research progressed, I clearly saw that the “House” was ingeniously built to serve as a multifaceted puzzle. Mrs. Winchester had cleverly written a concealed story into the very fabric of the House’s architecture. Everywhere, in and about the House, she left a brilliantly crafted trail of distinct clues—clues for the “initiate”—the pure, unbiased seeker of truth."

"My journey of initiation started with baby steps: here and there— sudden flashes of insight—stunning bursts of epiphany—eureka moments of discovery that gradually became more frequent and revealing—just as Sarah Winchester had planned. Gradually, over the years, the story began to unfold."

- Richard Allan Wagner

Read more about The LOST SECRET of William Shakespeare...>>

Read: Review of The LOST SECRET of William Shake-speare by Dr. James Tresner, 33rd degree Grand Cross Freemason, historian, author, editor of the Scottish Rite Journal, Supreme Council of the Scottish Rite, Washington D.C.

Recommended Baconian Links

Peter Dawkins

Peter Dawkins, author of numerous books including The Shakespeare Enigma and Francis Bacon-Herald of the New Age. Peter is the Founder-Director of the Francis Bacon Research Trust (FBRT) which presents seminars and publishes books on various subjects.

For more information about Peter Dawkins, go to:

Jerome Harner

Jerome Harner, author of Why I'm Not an Oxfordian: Bacon Versus De Vere- a Review of the Evidence.

Mark Rylance

Mark Rylance, actor/managing Art Director of the Globe Theatre, London. Interview with Lawrence Gerald:

Lawrence Gerald

Sir Francis Bacon's New Advancement of Learning:

Robert Fowler

Shake-speare's Sonnets Dedication Poem revelation and Sonnets Pyramid Structure based upon the Secret Shake-speare Seal numbers, 157 and 287:

The Truth About Shakespeare